SCENTAG 打造全新車用香氛體驗
2024倫敦設計獎Top 15 Design Excellence Showcase....
- 有機環保香氛:SCENTAG精心研發的香氛使用全有機成分,對環境友好,充分體現了品牌對可持續發展的承諾。
- 多樣選擇:用戶可根據個人喜好或行車模式選擇不同的香氛,提升駕駛體驗。
- 持久芬芳:SCENTAG的香氛技術保証香氣持久,為每次上路帶來新鮮感受。
SCENTAG榮獲2024倫敦設計獎金獎,並在2024 London Design Awards上大放異彩,展示了其在車內香氛上的創新設計。通過對有機和環保香氛的精準選擇,SCENTAG正重新定義電動豪華車內的奢華旅途。
- 自然選擇:SCENTAG專注於有機材料,確保消費者在駕車過程中能享受到大自然的清新。
- 環保意識:選用環保材料與工藝, 為消費者提供健康的車內環境。
- 豪華感受:每一款香氛都是精心調配,提升駕駛過程中的舒適度。
- 有機成分:採用100%的天然植物提取物,確保每一滴香精都無虞於環境。
- 再生包裝:包裝材料源於可再生紙漿,既可持續又具有質感。
- 低碳足跡:生產過程中節能減排,契合電動車的環保理念。
...2024 London Design Award. Gold Winner. SCENTAG2024 London Design Award. Top 15 Design Excellence Showcase...
"Creating car fragrances comparable to the iPhone."
SCENTAG has designed an exclusive fragrance device tailored specifically for Tesla, acknowledging Tesla's unique vent design. We use aerospace-grade aluminum, similar to that of an Apple iPhone, ensuring durability and seamlessly matching Tesla's high-quality interior; we also cater to users of other car models with a universally compatible holder.
The product is meticulously crafted from aerospace-grade aluminum using precision CNC machining, featuring a unique magnetic panel and a sleek elongated body. The casing is finished with a chrome mirror plating, perfectly integrating into luxurious car interiors. Our designers are committed to aesthetics, precisely tailoring the proportions for the vents of major models like Tesla.
Our SCENTAG tea-scented ceramic fragrance is made from 100% organic natural tea extracts, providing a fresh and clean scent that is eco-friendly and safe; it uses a proprietary ceramic diffusing stone that has passed multiple product certifications, including SGS non-heavy metal testing and international IFRA fragrance certification.
We hope to leverage your influence to allow more car owners to experience a new standard of aesthetics and quality in their automotive environment, while also promoting eco-friendly practices within the automotive industry.